Review: The Mirror Souls by Julia Scott – a YA Sci-Fi Trilogy for Love Triangle Fans!

Happy Pancake Day friends! How do you eat yours? I’m partial to either bacon and maple syrup or chocolate spread and ice cream. Or one followed by the other…

Anywho, welcome to the March edition of the YA Sci-Fi and Fantasy Addicts Blog Hop. This month we’re celebrating science fiction, so I thought I’d introduce you to one of my favourite YA sci-fi series, The Mirror Souls by Julia Scott.

March Blog Hop

Review: The Mirror Souls by Julia Scott

A fast-paced young adult novel that blends sci-fi (without being too heavy), near future dystopia (without being too stark and depressing) and soulmate romance.

The truth doesn’t always set you free…

Like the rest of the Gaian race, Alana’s life is ruled by the Avalon, the superior race who once created Earth and returned to reclaim it after humanity brought it to the brink of destruction. Because of the Avalon, every Gaian faces the risk of being moved from Region to Region, over and over, with no warning. Alana has no place to call home.

Fearing that she may be resigned to this life of control forever, the opportunity to explore the world outside of her Region is literally dropped into Alana’s pocket in the form of a small silver device.

Taking a leap of faith and teleporting to the unknown, Alana must discover who is pulling the strings in her life and why. But in her quest for answers and freedom, she’s thrown headfirst into a hidden battle for humanity alongside a boy whose life was destined to be entwined with hers from the start.

With the secret of who she really is starting to unravel and abilities she didn’t know she had rising to the surface, she becomes a commodity to whatever faction can keep her in one place.

But others around her are carrying secrets, too, and Alana must decide who to trust before she can change the fate of all the races.

Title: The Mirror Souls

Author: Julia Scott


Rating: 5 Stars!

Review: I tend to reach for fantasy more than sci-fi when I’m looking for my next read, but the premise of this book had me hooked – a sci-fi, dystopian romance? Soulmates AND a love triangle? A futuristic version of our world filled with secrets, lies and a battle for humanity? Yes please!

The Mirror Souls follows Alana as she discovers her place in this dangerous, new world, where Gaians like her are moved around on the whim of the Avalon, forced into job roles based on their suitability, and coupled with partners chosen by their oppressors. She stumbles upon the chance to learn more about her world, uncovering truths and disturbing secrets as she goes, all while trying to figure out the strange new feelings she’s having for a certain boy.

This is a fast-paced read with plenty of twists and turns, some shocking reveals, and a really clever and intriguing concept that takes the classic dystopian tropes and weaves them into a new sci-fi setting, with threads of fantasy romance.

Perfect for fans of Divergent and The Hunger Games, if you love to see the reluctant heroine fighting against their oppressive overlords, exposing the dark, ugly side of their society, and struggling to choose between two paths, two futures, two distinct parts of themselves (and, of course, two boys), then The Mirror Souls is your perfect next read!

Book two, The Anahata Divide is out now, and the final book in the trilogy, The Original Midorian, is coming later this year! PLUS, the first two books are available to read FREE with Kindle Unlimited, AND they’re both available in audio book with Audible!!

But most of all, LOOK AT THOSE COVERS!!! *swoon*


Enter this month’s giveaway and you could win FIVE YA ebooks of your choice!



  1. Those covers really are gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndseyhall says:

      Aren’t they! And there’s a Nerdy Book Box exclusive version of book one too, which I absolutely need 😍


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