Beautiful People – June edition

Beautiful People June Edition Lyndsey's Book Blog

Welcome back to another edition of Beautiful People! This is a monthly meme hosted by the lovely Cait @ Paper Fury and Sky @ Further up and further in. Basically, the ladies come up with ten fabulous questions to help us delve into the hearts, minds and souls of our characters, and we answer them. Simple as that.

Beautiful People linkup for writers

If you’ve been here before, you might know I recently finished my WIP The Fair Queen and sent it off to beta readers to get some feedback. I’m also planning to take part in Camp Nano next month, so I’ve been plotting and outlining a new novel idea loosely based on The Secret Garden. Today I’m going to treat you to your first glimpse of my new WIP! Exciting, no?

My new MC is called Marie – Em for short – and she’s 18 and, sadly, an orphan. At the moment I’m imagining her with waist length jet black hair and bright blue eyes. Shall we dive into the questions?


What’s their favourite place they’ve ever visited?

Em grew up in Aix-en-Provence in Southern France, her parents were British and met while working over there. Her father was a University lecturer and her mother was a ballerina. Every summer they would travel to Barcelona for a couple of weeks when school finished, and Em absolutely loved the city – the architecture, the food, the atmosphere.


What’s one mistake they made that they learned from?

When she was eight, her parents were killed in a car crash and she was flown back to England to live with her great uncle Archie. Since then, Em has been pretty much alone. She was home-schooled because Archie’s farmhouse was so remote and miles from any local schools. She didn’t have any real friends, spending most of her time reading in her room, posting on her Tumblr account, and hanging out with the farm animals. Basically, it wasn’t her fault, but she learned at a young age that the things you care about can be snatched away in a moment, so she stopped caring about people and things. She learns from that mistake over the course of the book!


What was their favourite subject in school? Or favourite thing to learn about?

Em loves to read, her favourite part of being home-schooled was choosing books to study for English Literature. She particularly enjoys classics like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre – living in North Yorkshire it was pretty much like living in a Bronte novel.


What’s their favourite flower/growing thing?

Em’s favourite plant is lavender. There were great fields full of it in Provence, and it grows all over the North Yorkshire moors as well. The colour and pretty scent remind her of home.


Have they ever made someone cry? What happened?

She sometimes heard uncle Archie crying at night when she first came to live with him, but not because she had upset him.


Would you consider them a reliable or unreliable narrator?

Mainly reliable, but a bit of both. She has a very specific frame for how she sees the world, after everything she’s been through, and it’s not always accurate. She tends to see the negatives rather than the positives, and always assumes the worst. But she isn’t a liar, she would never deliberately deceive anyone.


What do they dream about at night?

She has frequent nightmares about the day her parents died, and wakes up in a cold sweat, expecting to get a call about something else bad happening, someone else she loves being taken from her. Like uncle Archie.


They’ve gone out for a “special meal.” What would they eat?

Moules frites, probably. Or some other kind of fish or shellfish. She doesn’t eat meat after living on the farm and spending time with the animals, the first time Archie killed a pig she’d become friends with she cried for a week and vowed never to eat meat.


What’s at least one thing they want to do before they die?

She would love to go back to France, but she’s terrified. She really wants to be brave and go back one day, see where they used to live and spend time in the city where her parents fell in love. After that, she’d like to travel and see the world.


Do they have any distinguishing or unique talents?

She has a way with animals, she can calm them, and almost communicate with them. She wanted to be a vet as a little girl, until she realised that would mean putting animals to sleep when they were too sick or injured to survive. She couldn’t bear that, so she never applied to veterinary college. She has her mother’s figure, a dancer’s figure, but she never learned how – she does have natural grace though, so maybe one day she’ll do something with that.


That was fun! I haven’t done character bios for my new novel yet, but I feel really inspired now, so I’ll have to get right on that!

What do you think to my new WIP and my MC, Em? Let me know in the comments, I can’t wait to see all your answers to this month’s questions!





  1. ailynk says:

    hey.. would love to know more about Em, she sounds like a great character to get to know

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Thanks Ailyn! 😄


  2. Yeah, this meme always inspires me to learn more about my characters. People, even fictional ones, are so complex!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      It’s really useful isn’t it? Even if half the stuff doesn’t make it into the book it’s really handy to know your characters inside out ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I’ve heard some people say that the details you know about your characters that make it into the book should be the equivalent of the portion of the ice burg that sticks out of the water. I think that started with Hemingway? So, yeah, really useful. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. We had really similar answers to the “unreliable/reliable narrator” question! My MC is mostly reliable, but like your she has a specific lens through which she filters everything in her world.

    Your new project sounds really interesting. I’m already invested in Em and I’ve only read your answers to these 10 questions!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Aw thanks Christine! I’m really excited about it 😃

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Gahhhhh I want to read this now! It sounds like a coming-of-age contemporary novel, if I’m correct? Where the MC learns about feelings and all that jazz??


    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Haha yes there will be feelings, looots of feelings *drums fingers like a movie villain* also it’s LGBT+ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha the feelingsssssss and YAY FOR DIVERSITY *cheers*

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Topaz says:

    Oh, Em sounds like such a sweetheart! I especially love the last question about her special talents. It reminds me so much of my little sister, who also has such a way with animals & has her heart set on being a vet when she grows up. I don’t think she’s quite realised yet that the job also requires putting animals to sleep, but for now I think it’s okay to dream, no? Thank you so much for sharing – I would truly love to read more about Em & this beautiful WIP. ❤
    Topaz (Six Impossible Things)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Aww thanks Topaz! Your sister sounds like a cutie 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I FEEL A CONTEMPORARY! (But you said you liked fantasy… XD) And AAAGGGHHH France sounds lovely and I want to visit there sometime! Mwahaha we must have characters who love reading amirite. 😛 I honestly don’t think I could create a character who DOESN’T like reading… because that is SO not me. XD

    Ooh, a dancer’s figure! I’m a dancer, so that interests me. 😛 Marie/Em sounds like a wonderful character, and I hope everything goes well with your WIP! And EEEK beta reading is so exciting — hope that works out as well! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Haha I know but it’s probably gonna verge on magical realism, possibly fantasy.. Basically there’s a ghost lol. But sssh, spoilers 😱

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MAGICAL REALISM IS AWESOME! And ooh *waggles eyebrows* GHOSTS. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  7. HEY Lyndsey! I nominated you for the Liebster award *cue screaming happily*

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jaime says:

    I’m intrigued by a modern re-telling of The Secret Garden. It definitely sounds interesting!
    Best of luck. 🙂
    My June BP:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lyndleloo says:

      Thanks Jaime! 😄


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